
The GOP as a Death Cult: Video Deep-Dive

The GOP-turned-death-drive article spurred conversation. Let's dive deeper.

DISPATCHES FROM A COLLAPSING STATE is an independent project and the home of Jared Yates Sexton’s work. Subscribe now to support Jared and gain access to exclusive content, including video Q&A’s, an exclusive podcast, and additional articles.

Last week my article “We Must Accept Death As A Consequence of Life” grabbed some attention as I attempted to explain the Republican Party’s embrace of death and suffering in declining material circumstances. I actually received a good amount of emails asking some great questions building off the piece, so I wanted to dive deeper into the subject. Here is a video I recorded dissecting the role of ideology and narratives, the COVID Pandemic as a hinge in history, and what role the Democratic Party plays in all of this.

Enjoy, and pass it on to others.
