As a retired, open-ocean swimmer, I felt a strange connection to the currents of change, outlined by Jared in this dispatch (7.30.24).

While swimming over ocean reefs, you always guard against swimming into too shallow waters (2-3 feet) because the effect of wave action becomes more pronounced and poses the risk of dragging you over sharp rocks and coral.

Experienced swimmers know that it is a mistake to fight the wave action and to "go with the flow," while taking care to avoid too shallow areas.

But what is not appreciated are the changes in the ocean that are occuring on a larger scale; beyond the swimmer's level of perception. Gradual ocean warming and sea level rise are not perceptible during an ocean swim, but ultimately, they pose an even greater risk to the swimmer than a shallow reef.

This is analogous to the political landscape Jared describes -- the ebbs and flows of particular candidates are like shallow reefs that are glaringly obvious in the short-term, but we must become more aware of the larger context and the dangers that exist outside the daily news cycle.

Thank you Jared for being our political "climate scientist" and guiding us on deeper dives.

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Jared, this is surely among the very best Dispatches -- Thank you!

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Capitalism thrives on division but we humans are by nature social, gregarious. It’s become far too easy to settle back on our sofas and dive into one or another TV entertainment. While some “down time” is just fine we win by building (rebuilding) Community. When we work together we can accomplish much!

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Thank you, Jared. Agree with others that this is one of your best (and hopeful) pieces.

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Wise advice...It is such a relief to feel even the tiniest bit of optimism and hope again...I was not sure I was capable of such...Thank you Jared...

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Job one destroy Trump and Maga

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The fact that you, Jared, have hope gives me hope and the energy to do the work.

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