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As a Virginian, I’m terrified and heartbroken for my daughters. We’re going to school board meetings, we’re talking to people about solidarity and real change and what should be possible, we joined the DSA and the SRA… but it feels inevitable that the slide is coming.

Looking back at growing up here with a father who kept a gun safe because “the race wars” we’re coming, maybe this has always been the arc I was going to walk. But I’m scared and I don’t mind saying it here. These people terrify me in my bones, even though I’m “from” them. Maybe it’s because I know they so well that I have no illusions they would and will harm me. I’ve already gotten death threats from the local “patriots” group because I helped to identify Jan 6 participants. Now they’re in power.

Anyway… not here to ask what to do or plead with anyone for answers. More just screaming into the empathetic void. ✌️💪💔

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