The ultra wealthy and their Republican and media pawns are gearing up to either steal the 2024 election or to stage another coup to seize power. Everything they are doing has that end goal in mind. Their corrupted “Supreme” Court is a key component they are counting on.

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In a functioning democracy, the way you'd get public-policy change (like changes in the gun laws) would be to bring more public attention to the issue. With mass shootings, we know that doesn't happen, but what that public attention does accomplish is helping to further the right-wing project of getting us to all hate and fear one another and stimulating gun sales both from idiots who rush to buy more guns imagining this latest shooting might inspire us to actually do something (ha ha, as if) and from people persuaded they now need to buy and carry a gun on their next trip to the mall.

Of course, ignoring mass shootings, if such a thing was even possible, wouldn't work either. Seems like the gun-lovers win no matter what course you take.

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Great analysis in human terms of the scheme being perpetrated on our populace by the ultra wealthy in control. Not much hope though

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That distills both circumstance and agenda very well. Our bandaids the size of endless agencies and budgets and private sectors and lobbiests dizzy from both revolving doors and success, has no intention of exposing root causes and ending their gravy train. Likewise, as you point out, the utility is two-fold. Parasitical exploitation of the most vulnerable and keeping those classes who get more crumbs, in check. I have to think the generations of doing so, have created full domestication of very silent lambs. Those who get it, have to inspire that taking back of agency, for better survival now and to rationally shape whatever all of the avarice has and is, destroying. More indicators of that awareness, like this post, are appearing.

Now for communities acting on practical responses to the failures of the greedy and the consequences already in view.

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If I had paid for a subscription to this page I'd definitely unsubscribe after this installment! I can agree with some of your statements but for the most part we think in opposite extremes.

To make assumptions, what's worse state opinions, as to what a cop fears at every traffic stop, how helpless Neely was, how aggressive you made Penny out to be, as if "murder" was his intent. Why aren't the other two men who assisted Penny being accused, at the very least as accessory to murder?

I could go on but my the point of my comment is to be less aggressive than you seemed, IMHO.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Hmmm. I reread this, and didn't get what you got out of it. I didn't see this at the personal level you did, about the two respective participants to the killing on the subway. It seems that Jared is indicting the overall responsibility of an economic system that sets in motion the forces that put these two, relatively pathetic, Americans together on that subway. He was not commenting on their mental states or their respective personal culpabilities. This is just another example of where we find ourselves lately, with expected results, he suggests.

This is clear when he pointed out that "In this current system, both Neely and Penny have played their respective roles." Their states of mind are somewhat irrelevant to his point.

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"Why aren't the other two men who assisted Penny being accused, at the very least as accessory to murder?"

Has anybody been accused of anything yet? Penny is still walking around Long Island, a free man. Cops are certainly taking their time with this one.

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