Sheesh, calm down! This is not the time to abandon Biden. I’m old enough to remember watching LBJ announce he was not running for a second term. That ushered in Nixon. Biden stepping down at this point is handing the presidency to Trump.

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Not true at all. It’s possible that someone more energized could fight against t’s version of authoritarian rule a lot better than Biden. Jared lays out a good argument as do other clear thinking progressives.

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It is shameful, no question. Perhaps it's what's needed to shift the energy - of the party, of the voters, of the country. Always appreciate your cogent analysis, Jared.

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We know Biden's speech Impediment, but he is in cognitive decline. You can't script this out of the narrative. He does need to step down and let Gov Gavin Newsome step up. Newsome has the ability to make the case, has been on Fox, can debate and run circles around the orange buffoon. Please, help get this suggestion taken seriously. We are going to lose our democracy. This is a slow train wreck chugging down the path that can be stopped and course corrected. But it must be done at the democratic convention. Joe Biden must withdraw from the election. My 3 kids, aged 23, 25 & 31 don't want to have Biden in the White House. He must step down.

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They have polled Newsom against Trump. He polls worse than Biden. Biden is the only one who is on a positive trajectory. The same thing happened in July 2020. Chill and see if independent voters shift in the next Fox poll.

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Not to mention- opening the convention would cause SO many intraparty divisions in getting behind a candidate. Newsom can’t just step up. He has to be nominated. The billionaires would love to divide the Democratic Party. He looked damn good in Raleigh the next night.

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Everyone can go to Whitehouse.gov and let President Biden know what they thought of his performance in the debate. I did.

It is time for Joe Biden, the family patriarch, to surrender the car keys as it were. Old age is not curable. A cold when someone is 80+ years old can be devastating in terms of moving one from still competent to confused. There is no getting better at a certain point.

Joe Biden should retire (like George Washington). Joe Biden should also avoid coronating his successor as Obama did with Hillary Clinton. Let the party leadership nominate their best candidate. It will deflate the MAGA crowd—stall their momentum—if they pick a candidate for which the MAGA crowd does not yet have their talking points prepared.

Joe Biden needs to retire. Two examples of people who were not humble enough to retire to open the way to new leadership: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Hillary Clinton. There are many more examples.

Joe Biden would help this country by retiring now.

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Stop worrying. That crack that appeared in the dam yesterday stopped widenjng today Everything’s just fine.

More and more we live in a country where “we can’t do that,” “can’t change that,” “that’s never been done before so we can’t.”

So we can’t replace Joe Biden because…reasons. Apparently some Democratic “strategists” are concluding that “2024 is lost already but don’t worry. We’ll just put together a better agenda and be right back on top in 2028” (presumably with Biden again.)

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