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This is so good. A couple of specific things come to mind. One is Hunter Biden. Lots of talk about taxes and guns, that if he weren’t a Biden he likely wouldn't be so prosecuted for, but the source of his money probably isn’t talked about because of how much worse Kushner is. Still...

The other thing this brings to mind is the smash and grabs here in Los Angeles, where gangs of essentially young people not only walk out of stores with armloads of merchandise, but on their way out of convenience stores, with candy and potato chips, they knock over the display cases where harm seems like the greater objective. “It is, however, notable in periods like ours, where historic inequality and Neoliberal ideology has aided, contributed to, and rewarded sociopathic corruption.”

That said, Now What? is what I write my Substack about. You think about “a widespread anti-corruption movement that targets it wherever it lies.” Where is the motivation for that going to come from? We need something more fundamental that changes the way we are so that, as a society, we aren’t still rugged individualists but have made a massive shift of worldview to where we care about each other as much as we care about ourselves. It’s the bullet to bite to give us our best chance.

Here’s my Substack track about that: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/s/brian-thomas-swimme

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