Insightful and disturbing; very well written.

The combination of a psychopathic/narcissistic Leader + his network of opportunistic enablers & apologists + a mass of delusional, devoted, and well-armed followers = a dangerous nationalist cult on the level of North Korea's Kim or Nazi Germany's Hitler.

Thank you for your analysis, and warning.

In 1935 Sinclair Lewis wrote "It Can't Happen Here" about exactly this phenomenon; well, it can and is happening here.

I think it can only be stopped by a huge Blue Wave in 2024 that washes away this whole Trump/MAGA cult; and America better get ready to do that or else this psychopath and his team will be back in power, and God help us then.

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The whole messianic thing is ridiculous. Trump had four years in the WH, plenty of time for him to MAGA his fat old ass off, but instead, his followers saw a "great president" who helped 300,000 people to die of covid, rolled back important environmental laws, yanked 5,000 American military personnel from Afghanistan (while blaming Joe Biden for the less than perfect withdrawal), gave millions of people food poisoning every year by deregulating the food production industry, damn near caused a war with Iran, and gave top secret information to his Russian friends - and much more.

What worries me the most is how dangerous cults and their leaders can be. He sounds like every mad king and militant narcissist to pop up within the past 100 years. People are so gullible, especially those who have chips on their shoulders and are convinced they must help save the country from blah, blah, blah.

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Yes, it’s not the fat POS we need to worry about; it is his zookeepers that schedule him. Anything “he” puts out without typos is written for him.

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This is some of your best writing Mr. Sexton.

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I've seen the same comparisons drawn up over the last few years. More and more religious rhetoric, more and more Bible verses, more and more references to judgement and divine justice.

I absolutely agree with your assessment that Trump's followers have formed a cult. With his support waning, the ones still on the hook are the ones most fervently faithful...and they are the most dangerous of the whole lot.

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Thank you. You explain TFG and his cult so well.

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