Wow! Once again, Mr sexton, you've laid out an analysis that is stunningly compelling -- I'm with you in the fight!

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So many Substack articles talk about the dangers of trump, Project 2025, etc., but barely do we get any substantial discussion on what we can do other than vote. Yes voting is necessary but with all the GOP trying to stop people from voting, gerrymandering districts, Courts allowing the legislation to curtail voting and allowance of the gerrymandered districts, sometimes our votes get cancelled out. We need more discussion on what the individual can go and then spread that message. Looking forward to the next article in this series and your ideas on what we can do.

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I saw today that Milei's government in Argentina is threatening to revoke all social-security benefits from anyone caught protesting his austerity measures. With modern facial-recognition technology, this could be done. Seems like an early harbinger of your nightmare scenario.

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Thank you Jared. I knew after I read your book, it was what I was looking for. Also to read your connections to where I live and the way you think. Thank you. You, are the truth & a little hope we all need. I love the podcasts, & I'll follow-up on everything you have mentioned. It's difficult to believe that those who have so much would like for other humans, and sweet children to be their slaves. It's otherworldly, & I thought climate was our worst problem. I'm not religious, but I want to say, bless you for the truth.

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In turkey, now criticizing the government is illegal. I know so many people who have their head in the sand and who think I'm a maniac regarding our slide to authoritarianism. What more than the striking of Roe do you need to see to understand the struggle is real! This is not a time where one can be apolitical. I'm looking forward to more info from Jared regarding solid steps we can take in the next year to prevent Trump. I understand that the systems need deeper care but this is a fire that needs to be stamped out

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Along with the Powell memo, The Crisis of Democracy 1975 report for the Trilateral Commission is a revealing source of our adoption of neoliberalism.

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I'm glad you are part of the growing effort to fight the threats to democracy. Like you said this threat has been going on for decades and is extremely well funded. I agree with Heather Cox Richardson. She takes this attack back to the 60s. Goldwater was the first shot fired in 1964. She, and others, called it "Moverment Conservative."

This is at least our third battle with the right-wing authoritarian, anti-democratic, invisible-hands of Capitalism. We beat the slave oligarchs at the end of the Civil War. We avoided an attempted coup in 1933 organized by the industrialists of the early 20th century. But today's battle is far more formidable. It's world-wide and the hoards of money must be in the trillions. https://the-wawg-blog.org/american-history-of-authoritarian-coup-ending-the-cycle/

Like the economic systems of Slavery (master over slave) and Feudalism (lord over serf), Capitalism (Employer over employee) is authoritarian - anti-democratic - by structure. We need more that a resurgence of union representation, we need Democracy At Work to eliminate the concentration of wealth with a few right-wing authoritarians, https://www.democracyatwork.info/about

The right-wing authoritarians have their Project 2025. A united left needs a counter plan. The left, as represented by the Democratic Party, needs a Save Democracy 2025 plan - a Grand New Deal!

John Dean has also written about this threat that has taken over is Republican Party:

“Someone smarter than Trump and championed by Fox News and the right-wing media echo chamber, could pose a much greater threat down the road. You can bet that various Double Highs have already begun thinking how to get incarnated as the next messiah. You can also bet the “king-makers” are studying the field right now too, including the leaders of the religious right who might sense Trump losing a bit of his hold on their believers.” – John Dean, Authoritarian Nightmare, page 279

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I so loved your books Jared, & I'm reading Sarah's now. I admire both of you for being so courageous. I'm 76 soon, I just fear for my family. I could never imagined our country going down hill so fast. Maybe we will go extinct, as so many humans really can't get along with anyone or have compassion for the needy & poor.

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I sense this very bleak picture you paint is more than possible but to some it probably sounds like

sci-fi or as you stated "conspiracy". I sure hope the Democratic Party gets the lead out and actually starts to campaign! I'm getting curious as to what is taking the party soooo long!?

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Meanwhile, the cost of bullets is going up, and the pointless suffering of the masses is too.

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Jared, I am finally reading your book The Midnight Kingdom. I appreciate the way you dig for the originating paradigms (at least that’s how I am seeing it). It often (maybe always?) takes mind bending events to shake the grip of a paradigm and move society away from it and to change. Mind bending is the word I picked because it can describe a positive or a negative. I do not mean to say change is positive or negative or does not involve love or cruelty. Remains to be seen. But facing mind bending events as we are, we need new ways of thinking and IMHO you offer your readers new ways of thinking. Just maybe (hopefully?) if we think together the changes will be in a positive direction.

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