Thank you for all the tremendous work and research you’ve done to educate and reveal the truth. And please continue!

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Re: " . . . the means by which we will forget a better, more human future."

Whether due to erranr 'autocorrect' or oversight, I'm pretty sure "forget" was intended to be "forge."

And please know that my nitpicking error check doesn't mean I don't truly appreciate the unique contribution you are making to us all -- because I do -- THANK YOU!

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Thanks for all you do! I am dependent on your wisdom and yes, your leadership. I admit to being anxious and scared, but with your advice I feel hopeful and energized.

I wanted to leave the US in the 90’s. I thought the Bill Clinton impeachment was ridiculous ( Kavanaugh involved) then Gore/Bush and a dangerous punt to SCOTUS who should not have decided for the people.

In 2015 I predicted and labeled what was happening as The Republican-Federalist-Putin Coup Against America. Although not understood or appreciated by people reading my comments on WAPO then, today I receive NO pushback.

Again, I am grateful for all you do!❤️ And a shout out to Sarah Kendzoir!❤️

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