This is very small-scale and local but our neighborhood association (not an HOA!) in our low income urban community, is a center of organizing and mutual aid. We were able to push for redistricting so that we'd be part of a new district with other similar communities, and now have a city councilwoman who truly represents us. I wonder if this is how we need to begin - in places where we have connections. I know it's harder for me to imagine large national movements, even though we desperately need large scale reform.

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That’s an excellent start. Talk with people. Hey a sense of what needs done and bud common cause. The national structure will come.

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This part is delicious

"The Democratic Party will not suddenly “wake up” and “come to its senses” anymore than the Republican Party will. That’s not how any of this works. We’ve been fed a line of bullshit that change and progress came from the parties, when in fact parties, throughout U.S. history, have hindered change and served the wealth class until regular people mobilized and forced them to advocate on their behalf. "

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https://open.substack.com/pub/sharonlawrence/p/elections-breaking-down-the-red-wall-a0b?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=a5esd. Run for something! Run as an independent or look at the forward party. Be a change agent. Start at the state and local level. Nearly 500 major city elections this year. I'm loading my Substack with info to help those who want to run for office!

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Wow! This is excellent information. I understand about neoliberalism but your explanation of how it works is excellent. I will definitely keep reading and listening to your podcast. We need to know how to push back. I’m not giving in even an inch!

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Excellent summary of the situation. Thanks. I hope all is not lost.

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Mark, I think enough of us have decided that the cavalry isn't coming. So the Calvary is us, which is good. Start at state and local level. Huge opportunities in '25 and '26. See my Substack. Election calendars, lots of advice. More added every day

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Forgot to ask a question:

Kamala Harris came bearing gifts - downpayment for a house, Medicare payment for caregivers, seed money for small businesses, drug price reductions, regulations controlling price gougers, .... So why were this gift offerings rejected? Trump did not bring any such promises to his base.

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My first reaction to this question is the media and what and how everything was reported. All that stuff got lost in all the other noise. How many undecideds or lower info voters did you hear all election cycle say things like "I don't know what her policies are"? I don't know if I read or saw one mainstream news, and definitely not on the local news, get into policy comparisons and that assumes that one is even watching these sources and not relying on social media or what their friends say.

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The price of eggs. 😢

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The price of eggs has been manipulated.

“High egg prices in 2022 and 2023 were a product of price-gouging by dominant egg producers, who used the cover of inflation and avian flu to extract profit margins as high as 40% on a dozen loose eggs, the Farm Action report concluded.”

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People are accustomed to lies and she offered what little she did way too late, while carrying out a genocide and lying about it.

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Becuz it was clear all that was utter Bullshit. And that she couldn't do any of those things.

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I knew some of this, but your column has put it in order, so that I can understand it better. Thanks.

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I’m looking forward to expanding my education.

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Ho boy...but what I didn't know...

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Yes, you laid it all out. Understandable how we got here. Now how to buck the authoritarianism.

I’m thinking after the era of the robber barons, we went through a depression and recovered. I’m guessing the same will happen with us?

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We had FDR and Eleanor!

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I read a Bluesky comment where someone described working with her local library to engage with and teach civics to folks in the community.

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I think that's a great idea.

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Great work for the majority who haven't a clue.

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So glad to have this space, Jared.

I’ve found that the initial idea of organizing can seem huge & overwhelming- but it can begin in a very small way. With the last hurricane that reached my city- our block had a lot of flooding - waterfalls pouring into our kitchens etc- My neighbor & I invited the block for a living room talk about what to do - and we tracked down a local expert on flood mitigation.

What grew from that living room chat were actions on different ways to mitigate flooding— more folks got involved, after nagging our local electeds, they started to pay attention - (will take more prodding to get some solid advocacy from them) - and I’m really glad our efforts are going to include more neighborhoods- and underserved neighborhoods- in updating them on what we’ve learned.

But it does take a truckload of patience dealing with anxious people, it takes a lot of diplomacy and a willingness to do a lot of footwork in researching & keeping folks as enthusiastic as they were when they were mopping the water out of their homes.

But I think that organizing around any local issue is a reachable goal.

And there are issues galore.

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https://open.substack.com/pub/sharonlawrence/p/elections-breaking-down-the-red-wall-a0b?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=a5esd. Run for something!!!! I'm pouring resources into my Substack to help anyone/everyone who wants to be a change agent!

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Thank you so much. Yours is the voice I rely upon most right now to keep from feeling alone with what I see and know.

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Same, Amy. JYS is my go-to for understanding the context for all of this. Also too: he’s awesome.

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Very insightful article! Thanks!

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Excellent article! Thank you.

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Who is this “we" that could be changing things? Ah, there's the rub. There is none. All that’s in play is gadflies like you and the other pundits who are clear about the mess we are in.

Not only isn't there a "we," but no one is looking for one. I can attest to that because I’m looking. Don’t think that little old me thinks she has any power, but I do have the only ideas for what to do to create system change. That is, unless my offer of $100 to anyone who can direct me to any just hasn’t been seen by enough people to find anyone who would send me somewhere. So far, though, it hasn’t cost me anything. And, even more dramatically, I've put $50K on the table for any project ideas I’d support or produce that possibly could change our worldview to where we unite, caring about each other as much as we care about ourselves.

My offers still stand. Thanks for giving them the foundation from which we could rise up, where we-the-people would do an end run around government to create the next popular uprising that changes everything.

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I mentioned it in my most recent audio, but I’m working within an organization to create a national structure. I’m sure there are others doing the same. It can’t be advertised completely out in the open or else you make the group a target. But there is work being done.

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Everybody, literally, is “sure there are others,” but no one can find any. How about connecting me with what you’re connected to? suzanne@mightycompanions.org.

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I appreciate wanting to get involved, but organizing and coalition building involves earned trust over time. If you want to dialogue I would be open to that, but there organizations that aren’t quick to simply invite people in and just communicate everything going on. Again, I’m not just showing my cards because there are people actively trying to get an edge in interrupting them.

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Hey Jared — I’d hope that how much I appreciate you would earn me some trust with how discerning I am, but let’s do what it takes to qualify me. If you read what I put out you’d see it for yourself. I was Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude from NYU. I set the curved on tests I took. And I’ve been on it for system change long and deep. Have a look at today’s Substack: https://open.substack.com/pub/suzannetaylor/p/talking-turkey-today

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Have you looked at the forward party?

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Jared. I have ideas.

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I'm part of the "we". I guess so just about everyone else who reads Jared's stuff is. And in my talking with friends, there are others. We are out there.

But, yes, I think we're looking for leaders to emerge who can explain, like Jared does in this great article, what is happening to the public. My gut tells me there is an audience for what needs to be said but the right person, or persons, need to come along that both have a platform and the skills to very plainly explain the true nature of our oppression. Right now, I've shifted to sending my small donations to Bernie's Our Revolution and politicians like AOC. When I hear narratives that I like and think we need, I'm going to try to show my support even if it is $5 at a time.

Over the past few weeks, I have often reflected on my readings of Antonio Gramsci, particularly his concepts of counter-hegemony and organic intellectuals. His work seems more relevant now than it has been since he was imprisoned by Italian fascists in the 1920s.

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Same comment I made to Jared, that everybody is sure there are others but no one then can find any. People send me places, but none of them deal with the immediate need, before global warming or any other of the existential threats we face, likely would do us in.

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Gotta start at the state and local level. Look at what Dan Osborn did in Nebraska. He started the Working Heroes PAC now.

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You can lead, follow, or get out of the way. I decided to lead. Check out my Substack. We start by pouring it on at the state and local level! https://open.substack.com/pub/sharonlawrence/p/elections-breaking-down-the-red-wall-a0b?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=a5esd

Check out Jess Harper too here in Substack, https://open.substack.com/pub/jesspiper/p/democrats-stay-home?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=a5esd

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Just to add: patience is worth cultivating when you’re working w others.

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