"For years now Trump has buttered his bread by providing a faux-populism that aesthetically feels like it’s aligned with working people but has actively worked against their interests and in favor of the people who have exploited them to the point where the anger and organized action were earned."

Scammers and shammers. It baffles me how many millions of ignoramuses continue to vote against their own self-interests. It is as if they enjoy punching themselves repeatedly in the face.

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We have voted against our own self interest because we have gone to churches that are led by people (predominantly white males) who have been taught capitalism in their religious preparation (as it has been defined by self-serving corporations.)This is why greed is rarely preached and focus is on sexual issues and submission. The American church is a capitalist organization. This is why MAGA folks think they are “Christian.” God help us all.

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Unions are harnessing the growing demand for a defense of American democracy by calling for a broad swath of people to support them. Finally there is a new vehicle outside of (and more powerful than) simply lining up to vote. Drawing thousands of supporters to workers’ causes will also force the Democratic Party to respond to and support those movements. And the unions are not limited to fights for higher wages and benefits for members. They can helm the fight for better medical care, housing for all, and feeding the hungry. Let us think in the broadest terms as the battle goes forward.

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Well said ..... “In Clinton Township, Trump appeared before a non-union auto shop at the behest of boss Nathan Stemple. For years now Trump has buttered his bread by providing a faux-populism that aesthetically feels like it’s aligned with working people but has actively worked against their interests and in favor of the people who have exploited them to the point where the anger and organized action were earned. Signs were handed out that were meant to make it look like union auto workers supported him, but they were wielded by non-union workers and, in some cases, people who don’t even work in the industry.

Trump’s appeal was carefully crafted, which means he had nothing to do with penning it. He offered “economic nationalism” to the assembled, which has been used as a cudgel against organized labor for over a century now to undermine their interests and spur fealty in the guise of patriotism. Nothing he said was even remotely in favor of these ongoing actions and was meant, predictably to channel actual populist anger into the service of the bosses and wealth class.”

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Anybody else remember that quote from Obama, about how we was willing to "put on a pair of comfortable shoes" and walk a picket line? I sure do, I heard it about a hundred times during the Wisconsin uprising, as newly-elected Republican Governor Scott Walker took a flamethrower to the union rights of state workers and those workers protested in the tens of thousands outside and inside our state capitol.

Of course Obama never showed up. The times were different, unions weren't as popular as they are now, and public-sector unions are probably never as popular as private-sector unions. And Obama was no Biden. Anyway, this feels better. Feels like progress.

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Hey Jared, admire your work and vast knowledge. I’d love your breakdown of the Riechstad election in Germany when Hitler took over. It seems very similar to what we have in our current political situation. All the best!

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